The MIS Department, an internal service, plans for and provides information systems for St. Louis County Departments. This is accomplished by providing systems and programming, computer hardware and operations, telecommunications and technical support for all County Departments.

MIS Director: Martin Buscombe (218) 726-2019
MIS Service Desk 726-2646

MIS Department
204 Government Services Center
320 West 2nd Street
Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 726-2047



[Administration] - [Assessor's Office] - [Auditor's Office] - [Civil Service/Personnel] - [County Attorney's Office] - [Court Administrator] - [Extension Service] - [Land Department] - [9-1-1 Emergency Communications] - [Planning Department] - [Property Management] - [Public Health and Long Term Medical Care] - [Public Works Department] - [Recorder's Office] - [Sheriff's Department] - [Social Services Department] - [Solid Waste Department] - [Home Page]

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