(Minnesota Extension Service of St. Louis County)

The Minnesota Extension Service brings the resources of the University of Minnesota to the residents of St. Louis County. The Extension Service provides access to university research-based information that can help individuals, businesses, and organizations make informed decisions.

Citizens may access the Extension Service's offices by phone, fax, email or by walking in:

Extension Service
2305 East 5th Street
Duluth, MN 55812
(218) 726-7512
Fax: 726-6556
Email: duluth.
Extension Service
Hibbing Courthouse
1810 12th Avenue
Hibbing, MN 55764
(218) 262-0144
Fax: 262-0219
Extension Service
Northland Office Center
307 lst Street S. Suite 114
Virginia, MN 55792
(218) 749-7120
Fax: 749-0698

County Extension Office -  https://www.extensionslc.org

Minnesota Extension Service Statewide Home Page: www.mes.umn.edu

[Administration] - [Assessor's Office] - [Auditor's Office] - [Civil Service/Personnel] - [County Attorney's Office] - [Court Administrator] - [Land Department] - [Management Information Systems] - [9-1-1 Emergency Communications] - [Planning Department] - [Property Management] - [Public Health and Long Term Medical Care] - [Public Works Department] - [Recorder's Office] - [Sheriff's Department] - [Social Services Department] - [Solid Waste Department] - [Home Page]

If you have a question please call or email us

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